Motivation in Software Engineering (review of systematic review)
I've read this paper and recommend it to managers who instantly seek how to motivate their employees. What I find particularly interesting is that they actually reflect on the question "Who are software engineers?" - please take a look at their research questions, they really do a nice work!
RQ1: What are the characteristics of Software Engineers?
RQ2: What (de)motivates Software Engineers to be more (less) productive?
RQ3: What are the external signs or outcomes of (de)motivated Software Engineers?
RQ4: What aspects of Software Engineering (de)motivate Software Engineers?
RQ5: What models of motivation exist in Software Engineering?
In the light of this I like this main result best: "M. 17 Identify with the task (clear goals, personal interest, know purpose of task, how it fits in with whole, job satisfaction; producing identifiable piece of quality work)" which is the number one motivational factor for software engineering professionals. This means that code-ownership practices stimulate and help the practitioners to feel needed. So, let me ask a question: How about off-shoring? 24/7 development? Who owns the code? Who is motivated?
Ok, it was more than one question, but still. I've seen this happening in many companies - off-shore does not mean better.