Sunday, December 30, 2012

Visualizing architectural dependencies based on custom metrics...

Using dependency models to manage complex software architecture

Looking for a related work on my newest article I've encountered this nice paper describing how to visualize dependency structure matrices (DSMs). The associated metric is quite simple and can be automated using static code analysis tools. What is even more interesting is that one can use many metrics and use the same visualization.

There are a few highlights which I find useful:

  • The authors show a tool which can be used in industrial applications
  • The tool and the method were evaluated based on large open source code
  • The tool has the possibility of zoom-in for components to show inter- and intra- dependencies
I need to test the tool myself with a few metrics of my own. I'll come back later with the results. 


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fault injection and mutation as a means of ISO 26262 vV&V

Injecting faults and mutating programs  - towards a uniform method?

This paper shows a method for modeling fault injection environments and mutations in a uniform way. When modeling mutations, the method seems to support even the execution.

What I like about this paper is the fact that they try to use the same method for both injections and mutations. What is still to be done is the validation. Of this approach in an industrial context. Let us wait for that...
